Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Daniel love 2

At the risk of getting Harry Potter fans' parents angry, here is another pic I saw from the promotional shots of Equus. I lifted the photo and caption from today's Sydney Morning Herald.

Daniel Radcliffe and Joanne Christie are seen in the stage play Equus.
Photo: Reuters

I can't believe that some parents think that Daniel's parents have made a grave mistake by allowing their son to take on this wonderfully mature and dark role. Please, give the boy a break. He's an actor for crying out loud! Some people are so hypocritical. Kids nowadays have sex in such an early age. I believe we should educate them rather than hide them behind rose-coloured lenses. Daniel is no longer a child. He is a 17-year old who is turning 18 - a young adult - in a few months. We should congratulate Daniel on his efforts to grow as an artist. I don't want him to turn to another Macaulay Culkin!

As for me, allow me to drool... for a second or two before I get jailed for mentally molesting a minor :p

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Daniel Love

It's been a while since I drooled over Daniel Radcliffe. It may be the fact that he is only a 17-year old boy but when I saw this, I couldn't resist but go "hubba-hubba."

Yes folks, THAT is Daniel Radcliffe, starkers! Would you believe that the boy wizard is all grown up? This photo was from the official shoot for the promotion of the play Equus. This is Daniel's West End debut and his first serious play. He plays the role of a mentally-disturbed stable boy by the name of Alan Strang who ritualistically blinds horses. You may have read the play. If not, go read it!

The play requires the character of Alan to ride a horse naked - very Lady Godiva. There is also a failed sex scene between him and his girlfriend (lady in picture plays the part). So yes, Daniel is going to prance around the stage in all his naked glory!

Okay, I'm bordering sicko territory here. It's just fantastic that Daniel is breaking out of the cute Harry character he's played so well.

And speaking of breaking out of character, check out this scene from "Extras", one of the funniest shows I've seen for a long time.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Wii entry

Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I've just been absolutely occupied by a purchase I made over the weekend. I consider it an early birthday present for moi...

Yep, the Nintendo Wii, whose sales surpassed the XBox 360 here in Australia, is my brand new toy. It is the most fun and interactive game I've played ever. It forces you to get up and move (especially Tennis and Boxing) and engage in friendly competition with your pals. Arnie and I had friends over last Saturday and it was a riot!

When I bought it, it came with Wii Sports which included Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Bowling, and Boxing. Tell you what, guys, playing Boxing is like doing a whole session of Tae Bo in the gym. It's fantastic! I also bought Legend of Zelda which I haven't played yet. I am scared that I might stay up all night playing the damn thing. Arnie bought Wii play which comes with 9 mini-games and an extra remote controller.

I am now anticipating the release of Wario Ware Smooth Moves which includes over 200 mini games that make you do really silly things - great for parties - and also Dragon Ball Z. I remember back in high school when the SNES was the biggest thing. My friends and I would often wonder when a fully interactive Dragon Ball Z game will come out. We often joked around about doing a kamehameha gesture with our hands and the game will recognise it through a sensor. Now, the dream is for real and here's my chance to emulate Son Goku!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I'm back and sassier than evah!

Hello my blog friends! Sorry for the long hiatus but I enjoyed my break too much that even when I went back to work, I honestly felt like I was still on holiday! It's already the second week of the first month of the new year and we are yet to get back to normal working pace.

It's been a blast this past Christmas and New Year. I don't want to bore you guys with the details but it basically involved:

  1. Shopping
  2. Lots of alcohol
  3. Lots of late nights
  4. Lots of yummy food
  5. Lots of cuddling with the hubby
  6. Days and days of not logging into the net

I am now getting back to my gym routine and try to work off all those cheeses (blame Arnie's sister) and wine (can't blame anyone but myself) I gorged myself in.

I am also going to stop with the shopping. All these after Christmas sales is driving me mad and makes me reach for my already empty wallet over and over again! Damn these capitalist maniacs!

How about you people? How was the holidays for you?

Till next time!