Friday, September 22, 2006

Doctor Yap???

I made a bold move this morning ensuring my future as a highly educated woman. This November, I am completing my postgrad studies in Information Management. It was a change, for sure, from my original Bachelor degree which was Literature.

I wanted to pursue further studies in Information Management and become the most highly qualified Information Manager in the company I work for. After careful consideration and discussions with Arnie and my school buddies, I decided to do go for a doctorate degree in English Language and Literature instead. Studying for work is all well and good, but I want to do something that I will enjoy for a change, not that I didn't enjoy Information Management mind you.

Literature is my first love. I want to be surrounded by all the things that I immersed myself in during my undergraduate studies. I love to be able to bounce around abstract ideas with people. I love to sit and immerse myself in a topic that I am very passionate about. Heck, I just love to books and reading. The very sight of Borders is enough to give me an intellectual orgasm! Now, at the age of 28, I have decided to commit myself to six years of research. I don't know where this venture will take me. I don't know if this will divert my career path in any way. What's important is that I am starting the road to my ultimate goal: have a PhD before the age of 40.

I have sent an e-mail to the University of Melbourne English faculty to set up an appointment. I am looking forward to hearing from them soon because I am very keen to get started by next year.

So, am I going to be a ponce and re-name myself "Dr. Jennifer S. Yap, PhD" in the future? Who knows? I really want to do this for myself, for my self-worth, and for my love of literature and the English language.


On a different note...

Today, I am celebrating my 6th year anniversary with the man I am lucky to be with - my future husband.

To Lawrence Arnold Estrada - I love you more and more and more each passing day. Thanks so much for your support, your love, and your undying will to keep me happy.

Happy anniversary, love...


Unknown said...

Wow! Happy Annniversary to both of you! As for taking further studies, I wish you the best doc! :)

RRP said...

awww shucks. ang tamis naman!

happy anniversary to both of you!

Gayzha said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!!!

And best wishes for your further education! :)